Why It Works?
Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult for you to lose weight, while your friends can eat almost anything they want and never gain a pound? The secret has been discovered. In a word, Hottie Detox.
We have found the secret to not only help reduce your appetite, cravings and size, but also increase your inherent ability to burn what you eat. Not only will you lose weight much more easily, but you’ll feel much better too. Whether your slow results are related to poor eating habits, a slow metabolism due to yoyo dieting or you simply want to take a shortcut to a fit and healthy you, Hottie Detox is ready to solve your weight loss or fitness problem.

Here are just some of the key ingredients in Hottie Detox that create a clean, metabolic environment inside your body that allows you to live a happy, healthy life.
Neem Leaf
Puerh Tea
Gotu Kola
Spearmint Leaf
Rose Petals
Raw Cacao Nibs
Oolong Leaf
Ginger Root
Why Hottie Detox?

Boost Metabolism + Improves Digestion

Dr. Charo’s Hottie Detox program is scientifically created to cleanse your body, get rid of waste and toxins causing you to be sluggish, hungry and overweight and to help reach your weight loss goals, fast and without deprivation.

Individualized Programs
Dr. Charo’s philosophy is that, “Not one size fits all.” Dr. Charo has developed systems to individualize each client’s treatment plan. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds; have a slow metabolism, you cannot control your portion sizes, or want to transform your body and finally get the abs you have been dreaming off, Dr. Charo has several levels of support that will work for you.
Online Coaching
During your first online consultation session, Dr. Charo will perform an online evaluation Based on your age, weight, goals, food preference and lifestyle; a stay at home mom for example will not get the same meal plan as a CEO who travels 90% of the week, a 200 lbs client will not get the same workouts as a fitness model looking to compete. Dr. Charo will create a combination of workouts, along with a personalized meal plan that is easy to follow and filled with your favorite foods!
After your initial session with Dr. Charo, you get weekly online consultations to keep you in constant progress, avoid loss of motivation or plateauing and update your meal plan to prevent food boredom! Our team of nutritionists and personal trainers are available via email 24/7 to answer your questions!
Hottie Tea
For anyone with appetite, munching and belly fat problems, Dr. Charo created the Hottie Tea Morning Tea and Good Night Cleanse, which are 2 amazing teas that you drink upon waking up in the morning and before bed every other night. Dr. Charo’s Hottie Teas can help you reduce your appetite, cravings for carbohydrates and sugar, anxiety eating, increase your metabolism, make you feel fuller, faster and get rid of stubborn belly fat and bloating.
Maintenance Program
Once you achieve your weight loss goal, we will implement an individualized maintenance program designed to ensure your continued success!
Dr. Charo and the Hottie Detox team sincerely look forward to you getting started on your new future by reaching your weight loss goal. Get Started Today!